Business Loan
Femco Bank has been a working partner with businesses in our community for more than a century.
We stand ready to be your working partner too, whether you are purchasing new equipment,
need a working capital loan or inventory for your business. Get the loan that’s right for you.
Commercial Loans
Femco Bank has been a working partner with businesses in our community for more than a century. We stand ready to be your working partner too, whether you are purchasing new equipment, need a working capital loan or inventory for your business. Get the loan that’s right for you.

Femco Commercial Loans & Credit Services
Equipment Financing
Working Capital Financing
Commercial Real Estate
Other Commercial Loans
Lines of Credit
Letters of Credit.
Working Capital Financing
Commercial Real Estate
Other Commercial Loans
Lines of Credit
Letters of Credit.

Money Market Fund
This is an open-ended investment fund that provides an above average current income stream over a short period, by investing its assets in low risk, eligible, money market securities.
Fixed Income Fund
This is an open-ended investment fund that provides you and your family with an above average income stream over a medium to long-term period, by investing in a portfolio of high quality bond securities and money market instruments.